Monday, 24 May 2010

A Few Tiny Favorites

I am in love with these spoons from Everything there is so cute it positively hurts.

First, I want to touch them. Just run my fingers over their soft, shiny selves. Then I want to own them. All of them, every last one.

Oh, sigh.

If you haven't been there, you should check it out. You won't be disappointed. There's a blog too.

And while you're there, snag me one of these treasures...

Do you ever just envy the creativity of other people and covet it for yourself? I'm sure I shouldn't, but some days it's pure lust over here.

Why can't I live in Sweden and be cool? ;)

Oh, well, until then I will live vicariously through the loveliness of others.


  1. I agree about living in sweden and wanting to be cool. They have the best designer stuff. I am tempted to attempt the spoons myself.

  2. Yeah, what's up with Sweden? They've just got it all figured out.

    You're right about the spoons. I want to attempt them myself and I think I will. Doubt I'd be able to scrounge up so many super cute shapes and sizes, but maybe my killa painting skillz will make up for it?

    We'll see about that.........
